And one warrior in the field, if there is something to fight for
Voluntary donations to the organization
Each person can donate his time, attention, energy, strength, intellectual and physical labor, to help the development of the organization, as well as financial and material support will help us.
Everyone determines the type of donation for himself and each type of help and donation is equally valuable to us, we are very safe, we are already with you, because now you are doing big and even big things with us, with small actions.
For financial support, I’ll leave account numbers here (for now these are my accounts and they are connected to all types of financial support, but I want to create an organization’s accounts and then transfer all funds to the organization’s account because they can kill me, and the organization should exist without me if this does not happen and the organization ceases to function, then I’m doing empty business, but while I’m alive, I’m going to the end) you will find other donations on the site.
Account numbers for organization financial support
Sber Bank account - 5536 6900 8567 8128 (Russia) (1 ruble) (Olga Yaschenko)
Privat Bank account - 5168 7554 4521 4212 (Ukraine) (1 hryvnia) (Maxim Yashchenko)
Account (numer konta) Millennium Banka - 32 1160 2202 0000 0003 4200 8939 (Polska) (1 zlotowka) (Jashchenko Maksym)
if honestly, then I don’t even check these accounts, I don’t hope that someone will help us,
because a bottle of beer and a pack of cigarettes brings more pleasure than participating in the processes of saving the planet =) I also thought so, until I started to enjoy what I’m doing, it’s like a drug, but if you sit on it, then the euphoria does not end, you do and kicks ...
Money is our past, with which we repay, invest, create the future,
we all need to learn how to properly invest in the future in the present.
A person in the monetary system is used to being paid for finances (that is, time, skills, energy, intellectual and physical concentration) and strives for financial independence.
The problem is that financially independent people, one of us voluntarily or not, perhaps by deception, gave his finances (part, his time). when we pay, we do not pay with money, but with our past (minute, hour, day, month, etc.) and it would be wise to invest our past in the future today for the benefit of the planet (at least partially) and people who have fewer opportunities for a full life, if you yourself have the opportunity to do it.
Think yourself...