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Organization's social investment programs

Organization projects are published in the public domain on a free basis (project development is financed from donations and competitions of the organization, and most are done on enthusiasm and for the feeling of euphoria from fulfilling an important goal and realizing the importance of their work for humanity and the planet.

Our organization offers programs for social investment of organization projects for implementation of projects (organization of production, construction of enterprises, and distribution of information and products of projects)

Programs are aimed at every person who has financial difficulties and can invest from 10 to 10,000 units. the currency of our country per month, for each person who has financial capabilities above this chapel, we offer voluntary donations and investments at 1% (and you already act according to your conscience, you will still pick up anything, you will have to leave everything to this world)

We would like as many people as possible below the average income to take part in investment programs, we are trying to help you.

Ways of investing will be: through the organization’s mobile offers (so far in development), the organization’s website, as well as in local places and through direct transfers (schools, medical facilities, shops)

Programs for investment will appear after the presentation of finished projects (the publication of the first projects is planned before the end of 2019) with the possibility of investing in each project separately or choose a series of projects.

Register, actively participate, support and follow the development of the organization. Thanks for your attention.

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